Rex Darr Home Page

I am Rex Darr, an avid watch enthusiast, lover of cigars, classic style and all things gentlemanly. I am the founder and main writer of The Esteemed Gentleman.

Don’t let the long hair fool you; I am a gentleman at heart. While I do enjoy rocking out from time to time, either playing with my bands or attending concerts, I also enjoy relaxing with a good book or perusing menswear stores for the next addition to my wardrobe.

My 10+ years as an electrician allowed me to meet plenty of people on the job, including many whose attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles were the opposite of gentlemanly.

Most of these coworkers were unsatisfied with their lives, but few were willing to work toward change. For those who did ask and were open to listening, I began offering advice and coaching them on how to improve their lives. This was the beginning of The Esteemed Gentleman.

Over these years, I ventured further into the gentlemanly lifestyle. My wardrobe slowly upgraded from t-shirts and jeans to dress shirts, sport coats, and trousers.

My tastes and interests became more refined and I became more comfortable with myself. While I was forming my own identity, I was helping others discover theirs as well.

Once you understand who you are and what you stand for, you can begin molding your life around your values. Similar to a skyscraper, the stronger the foundation, the taller the building can be.

The satisfaction I feel when someone implements the skills, they learned from The Esteemed Gentleman is indescribable. Mentoring and coaching people who want to become better has a major ripple effect; not only is their own quality of life improved, but they radiate outwardly for others around them to see.

The positive effects of becoming an Esteemed Gentleman are countless.

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