4 minutes reading time (881 words)

What Is The Sidewalk Rule?

The sidewalk rule, sometimes referred to as "the gentleman walk", is a form of etiquette that every gentleman should know. While this is mostly reserved for walking with a woman (typically a girlfriend or wife), a gentleman can implement the sidewalk rule with whoever; their friends, family, children, or anyone who may be walking with them. This simple rule of sidewalk etiquette is a very chivalrous and polite act that doesn't require any skill. Anyone can do it.

What Is The Sidewalk Rule? 

The sidewalk rule refers to the chivalrous gesture of having the gentleman walk on the side of the sidewalk closest to the road, creating a buffer to protect others from debris that could be kicked up by a passing vehicle or from potential injury risks like being hit by a side mirror or an out-of-control vehicle. It also provides the other person with room to leap out of the way if such an incident occurs.

While some may consider this rule to an old-fashioned relationship tip and/or possibly sexist, many others would be grateful that you took the splash of water from a big puddle instead of them. It's a simple gesture that many may not notice, but those with knowledge of manners and etiquette definitely will. It can also be a massive green flag for partners who are looking for a polite and courteous person.

A Brief History Of The Sidewalk Rule 

Considered one of the oldest acts of chivalry, the sidewalk rule has existed since the medieval days of knights on horseback. In those days, before the advent of sewage, plumbing, and waste management, it was common for people to toss their garbage and excrement out their windows onto the streets below.

This waste would often end up on the curb beside the road, where it would get kicked up by passing horses or carriages. By walking closer to the street, a man could shield a woman and her more delicate clothing. This was also before humans realized that these festering piles transmitted disease. Needless to say, most people didn't realize the harmful impact this practice had, other than the terrible smell.

It was also during this time that people began wearing perfumed handkerchiefs over their noses to mask the atrocious smells emanating from who-knows-what that had been sitting, rotting, for days on end. If you would like to know the history of the handkerchief and how it is different from a pocket square, please read our in-depth article What's The Difference Between A Pocket Square And Handkerchief?

What If The Sidewalk Is Narrow Or You Have To Walk Past Someone Else? 

Sometimes you may come across a narrow sidewalk or must pass someone walking either in front of you or in the opposite direction. In these cases, it's proper etiquette for the man to walk ahead of the woman, in single file, with the woman just behind. Then the man moves off to the side closest to the road and either stops or slows his walk to let the woman catch up.

What If There Is No Sidewalk? 

If the sidewalk suddenly ends or the road has no sidewalk to begin with, the same rule applies; the man walks closest to the road. Give yourself a bit of space between the road and you, and be sure to look out for uneven surfaces, holes, ruts, muddy spots, or other possible dangers that you or the person you're with may encounter.

A Big Green Flag For Women 

Some women, especially those who are aware of the trend on TikTok, use the sidewalk rule to gauge whether their potential love interest is a gentleman or not. They may test the man by walking close to the road and seeing if he notices. If he doesn't, she may think he isn't very courteous. If he understands the sidewalk rule, he will either gently move her over or will begin walking closer to the road, making her step away from it.

Being aware of this and other etiquette skills, like how a gentleman acts in the modern world, the three phrases every gentleman should know, and the power of a sharply dressed gentleman, will transform you into the type of man that both women and men will look up to, admire, and respect.

Being a gentleman in the modern world doesn't require a degree. It requires awareness of the situation, respect for others, and a level of courtesy that goes above and beyond the norm. Understanding and practicing the sidewalk rule will not only put you in your dates good books, they will also notice that you are protective of them and looking out for their safety.


The sidewalk rule is an etiquette must-know for every gentleman. Practicing this effortless action is a direct indication that you are chivalrous, respectful, and well-mannered. After some practice it will become second nature. You won't even notice you're doing it, but your company definitely will.

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